Hello! Welcome to My Bubble. Most of you have probably heard the expression "their own little bubble" in some variation. This blog is a reflection of mine. Just one girl's ideas, finds, responses to news stories and popular trends, recipes, life, thoughts, and opinions.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Stage 10 of Christmas - The Days After.

Well, Christmas is officially over.

"Now what?"

This is always my feeling the day after Christmas! lol

All the hype, all the spending, all the suspense...over.

I LOVE the stations that continued playing Christmas music the day after, it was so much fun driving home.

The Christmas exchanges with family and friends throughout this week make Christmas continue on, even if I have to work every day! They are wonderful and exciting in their own sense because they have a feeling of being "bonuses" of Christmas.

I get this dramatic love of Christmas from my mother. She is a Christmas fanatic. The fact that I am actually depressed after Christmas Day is truly her fault. For those who know me and read this blog, you know this is a rare moment of sentimentalism. I know that decorations in Bula will be up until the weekend after the New Year and presents will stay under the tree for at least the day after New Year's. Christmas music will still play and the eating of left overs and cookies will continue on for 3 weeks. Not knowing any other way, I admit that I am biased towards these traditions.

I know people who take everything down and put everything away as soon as the actual Christmas Day is over. I cannot fathom this lol where's the fun in that?

Christmas is one time a year. One time a year to see everyone you love, to eat whatever you want and way more than you should, to spoil children who may not even deserve coal, to hear the Christmas story, to actually not mind longer travel times and snow coming down in buckets to cover everything. One time a year to get the things you WANT instead of buying yourself the things you NEED, to see people's faces light up as they open their gifts, to bust out all your holiday scented candles and baking skills.
(or lack there of if you're me) :p

I know that there are still down times, the remembering of loved ones who are no longer there, the missing those who can't come home, the piles of neglected work you will have to go back to, the spending of your savings, the messy house, the long lines in stores, and the days that it will take to get everything put away...

But it's so worth it! And to be over in a day, or two days, is just unimaginable for me. I want to make Christmas last as long as I can. A two week extension taking you right into that next year! Who wants to rush?

So here's to a Merry Christmas Week! Life is so short and this truly is the best time of the year!

1 comment:

Renaye said...

Bravo!..good girl!..my job is done! lol