Hello! Welcome to My Bubble. Most of you have probably heard the expression "their own little bubble" in some variation. This blog is a reflection of mine. Just one girl's ideas, finds, responses to news stories and popular trends, recipes, life, thoughts, and opinions.

Friday, November 21, 2008

My hair is...Gone!

Ok, not ALL gone...

but, I did it! lol I know I have been saying it for weeks, but I have finally done it! I cut my hair!!!! lol I know, it may not sound like a big deal, but it was for me, because 9 inches are now off! :P i was a little bit nervous just because I have had it long for so long, but at the same time, I was really excited for soemthing new! And I have missed my layers! I was growing my hair out to donate it, so I couldn't have layers in it, (they want one length). The way the hair slylist did it was by splitting my hair into 4 sections, rubber banding them, and then cutting them, that way each section was one length (since my two front sections were a little bit shorter, and hair length varies a little bit). Now, it is shoulder length and layered, with side bangs that I never wear correctly...lol It is so easy though, basically brush, a little hair spray and go! i was waiting to get pics up here but I have somehow lost my digital camera!! :( But I included the link for "Pantene Beautiful lengths" which is where I'm donanting my hair. I chose them because they accept 8 inches and I've heard soem things about "Locks of Love" that I wasn't too impressed with. Just remember that after the stylist cuts it, she'll need to cut another inch off for trimming and styling purposes!



Shelly said...

Find that camera because I want to see it!

Anonymous said...

Hurry up and get a picture! I wanna see!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you look beautiful. You always do! Can't wait to see it!
Love you,

Amy Fichtner said...

Wow, I can't wait to ee it, I am sure it looks great!!

NLT said...

Thanks you guys are sweet! I will def. ahve pics on here soon, I'm sure I'll get a bunch from Thanksgiving!