Since I received quite a few comments in the past about the whole Coke vs. Pepsi thing, I was curious. Which one was doing better according to the stock market?!? HHHHMMMM, What I found may shock you (if you drink a lot of Coke), I assure you, this is pure fact and you can verify them on Yahoo Finance...

Looks like Coke has taken a major nose dive in the past couple of years....however, props to them for obviously making a comeback! I assume that was with the addition of Coke Zero, which is actually pretty tasty. (If I had to drink a Coke) lol But on the other hand...Pepsi's market has just continued to grow and grow....strengthening as they go I might add! lol I also found that Coke stock was cheaper than Pepsi, by 2.40 and although both stocks are safe pretty safe to invest in, Coke was riskier.
So Pepsi is safer to invest in probably because they know sales are just going to keep on climbing...while Coke, well, hopefully they'll at least stay steady for awhile...
:P :P :P
*sheepish grin*
I have to say, I'll always be a Coke fan vs. Pepsi fan. 'Coca-Cola' shall be my fav. (within teh two) and even more so "Vanilla-Coke"!
well obviously there aren't just many people like j/k! you can't fight the facts...
I know they chart doesn't lie, but I am still a Coke fan!!! :-)
you guys have been drinking Coke for so long you can't even taste the good stuff anymore!
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